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Internship Dilemma

The question I always hated the most  is  … what do I want do I want to be a when you grow up. That has always bugged me because for some reason, there’s  always this cloud of stress that happens to shower over me when asked. I know I want to be a in the art industry, but what people forget to mention are the beautiful internships that have never crossed my mind. I personally always felt that internships were only given to honor students, until  I realized, one day.., “Oh Crap”, I need an internship to graduate. Yaayy! , more of a reason to stress. I never  thought in a million years an internship would be lest of my worries, when really I’ve been ignoring the hole idea of having an internship the hole time. One: Fear, there was this one guy, who told me it meant, false, evidence, appearing, real, “Yeah Okay”, easy for you to say. In all honesty, I’ve never had an internship, so I’m a lost puppy looking for a job. Two: am I worthy of the internship and of course, last but not lest, are they going to keep me.

I feel as a young designer, I want to maintain a humble persona. with a open mind to want to  learn more about the art industry and as a creative. But In the back of my head its screams out, music, photography, urban-diversity, and of course art design. Anything that can make me grown as a better artist. My dream internship job or real job, is to be able to work with a company, that is highly creative, witty, open-minded, and that gives a strong statement…and that pays ( just kidding, seriously, I wasn’t). Apple ( not the one you eat) but the  people who invented to Ipod, Is the first name that came to mind, I’ve always been a fan of the  Apple primary, for customer care. Seeing an company grow so much through out the years and progress, has given me the motivation to want to work with a company like theirs.To represent and a place where you can be yourself, is always a plus. It always interest me, how they branch out there job categories as specialist, creative ( which would be me), and Genius,which would be the one to fix your computers…etc. They have so much to offer when working with the company, so why not represent company, that loves to represents the empyoees and customers. So  I figured why not try it, it cant hurt, right.

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